St Gwenfaen’s Church, Rhoscolyn

Sunday 6 OCTOBER 2024
As ever there is a warm welcome for the Joint Ministry Area Service (Harvest Thanksgiving) on Sunday October 6th which will be at St. Gwenfaen’s 11am. This will be the only service in the Ministry Area that day. 
Harvest Gifts – Once again we will be supporting the wonderful work of The Lighthouse. Packets/tins of pasta, rice, tomatoes, beans, soups, biscuits, coffee etc. will be most welcome. But please no chick peas, red kidney beans, cereal, tea bags, or toiletries, as they have a large stash of these items!! If you are able to support then please bring along your harvest gifts to the service on October 6th, if not then please take them either to St. David’s or St. Ffraid’s the week before or week after – thank you. The Lighthouse are so grateful for this support.
There is usually a service of Holy Communion or Morning Prayer at St Gwenfaen’s at 9.15 am every week.

Further details about St Gwenfaen’s Church and the Hall, including costs for hiring the hall, can be found on our website:

An appeal has been launched for the restoration of several stained glass windows at St Gwenfaen’s.  The restoration work is for two stained glass windows from the William Morris studio and one from the K E Kempe studio. Repairs are urgent as there is water coming in through, around and above all three windows which are not coping well with all the rain.  Water is freely running through the masonry.  The glass is also damaged and in need of repair.  Our stained glass conservators describe the windows as a ‘a delightful collection’ and markedly beautiful throughout’. The necessary permission has been given for the work to take place – estimated cost £30,000 and over £24,000 has been raised to date (August 2024). Please contact St Gwenfaen’s Churchwardens for further information: Susan Hanbury 01407 860569, Edna Aldred 01407 861388 or our Church Treasurer Pam Naylor (07790 387571).

We are very grateful to all who contributed towards rebuilding the steps at St Gwenfaen’s, offering a safer and easier way to enter our church.  The path from the top of the steps along to the porch has also been re-surfaced.

Associate Vicar: Rev’d Neil Ridings
Telephone:  01407 861663   Email:

St Gwenfaen’s Hall: Edna Aldred on 07763988088

St Gwenfaen Churchwardens:
Susan Hanbury 01407 860569   Email:
Edna Aldred 07763988088, email:
Mrs Pam Naylor on 07790387571 email: 


St Gwenfaen’s is on a raised site with spectacular views over a wide area of Anglesey, as well as the mountains of Snowdonia and the Llyn Peninsula. There has been a church on the site since 630 AD. The present church is the result of rebuilding between 1875 and 1879. Uncommon for a small country church there is fine stained-glass in all the windows. The windows above the altar are particularly beautiful.

Hall for hire

St Gwenfaen’s also has a hall, built in the Arts and Crafts style. It is available to hire. Please contact 01407 861388 or 01407 860569 for further details. Further details about the Church and the Hall can be found on our website: