Holy Island Ministry Area (Bro Cybi)
We need to increase our regular giving at all of our Churches. We thought it would be useful to put together this explanation of the different ways available to pay for our Christian worship.
New Ways of Giving
Gone are the days when the only way of giving is by putting money on the plate on Sunday. If you are donating via direct debit (GIFT DIRECT) and would prefer to still put something on the plate we can provide tokens. Please ask your wardens. You do not have to pay tax to give by GIFT DIRECT. There is a box to tick if you are a non tax payer.
Gift Aid
To qualify you must pay an amount of Income Tax and or /Capital Gains Tax for each year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all charities (including churches) and Community Amateur Sports Clubs you donate to will reclaim on your gifts for that tax year. Other taxes such as VAT and Council tax do not qualify. You can download a Gift Aid Form here:
We can currently reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 you give
That has to be good news – but we can only do it if you sign a form available from the Gift Aid Secretary. It will cost you nothing, but for our Ministry Area it will mean a great deal. You will be provided with a set of 52 envelopes into which a weekly offering can be placed and then put into the collection plate at Church services. If you wish to take part in this scheme, please complete a Gift Aid form available from your Churchwarden.
New Gift Aid Secretary: Mrs Pamela Naylor, Point Gardens, Rhoscolyn, Holyhead, Anglesey. LL65 2NK, Telephone: 07790 387571. Email: pamelanaylor@hotmail.co.uk
Alternatively, in the Church in Wales, it is possible to sign up for Give Direct. Gift Direct enables Church in Wales members to make regular donations to the church of their choice via direct debit. The facility is administered from Cardiff and is a free service to churches. Cardiff pays into the specified Church account the amount received each month, together with an amount re-claimed from the Inland Revenue. Please note: You do not have to pay tax to be able to donate via Gift Direct – there is a tick box on the form to indicate if you pay tax.
There are booklets available at the back of all of our Churches for anyone who wishes to give on a regular basis in this way. Or please contact one of the Church Wardens in your own church for further information.
Or contact Edna Aldred or Pamela Naylor for a Gift Direct booklet.
Occasional Donations
We have envelopes available for visitors who wish to make occasional donations. Your name, address and postcode, date and a signature are necessary for us to be able to claim the tax back from the Inland Revenue for these donations. Cheques for the Ministry Area should be made payable to Bro Cybi Ministry Area or Bro Cybi MA and should be sent to our Ministry Area Leader Rev Rob Wardle, 108 Parc Tyddyn Bach, Holyhead, LL65 1NZ. Or if you wish to make a donation to one of our Churches you should make the cheque payable to the individual church and send to our Ministry Area Leader Rev Rob Wardle, 108 Parc Tyddyn Bach, Holyhead, LL65 1NZ.
Ministry Area Finances
The Bishops Ministry Fund (new name for the old ‘quota’) pays for the clergy and all the associated costs of running the parish. Each Church is now responsible for their own costs, as well as their contribution to the Bishops Ministry Fund.
Further Information
If you require further information about any of the above, please contact your Church Wardens, who will be happy to help you. All cheques for the Ministry Area should be made payable to Bro Cybi Ministry Area. Thank you.